Thursday, September 30, 2021

Handmade books

Since we were in lockdown, I was unable to see some friends for birthdays during August. As we entered September it seemed a bit late to be giving them cards, so I decided instead to make them little art journals. 
A few details from the Discover book
A few details from the Create book 
So fun to make these. They were gifted yesterday so I can finally share them. The recipients are artists so hopefully they will have just as much fun working in them. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

52 Tags : Week 37

Time for my take on Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. Week 37 : Fabric weaving. The title of this immediately reminded me of this Sari ribbon slow cloth piece I made almost 10 years ago!
I still own and love this and it inspired additional stitching on my tag this week.
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge. You can view Anne's weekly demo on Youtube #52tagshannemade.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Spring Reset and Free class links

In my part of New Zealand we are down to Alert Level 2. That means continued mask wearing in public spaces but the ability to see family and friends again. After a stormy end to the week, we have been blessed with sunshine again and yesterday was a trip to the Kapiti coast with a beach walk
Today we've been celebrating my nephew's 14th birthday. I am very grateful for having my immediate family so close.
With Spring in the air it's a time of new beginnings and I've been spending the rest of my weekend thinking about what's making me happy creatively. More and more I'm feeling like I'm doing some of the lessons in my art journals just because I bought the course for the year and I’m determined to finish. While I enjoy working in them once I start, I procrastinate about which lesson I want to try and I think it’s because I would rather stitch. I have no problem doing my weekly tag challenge. I've had the intention to include more stitch for the last few years, but it keeps getting lost. So what am I waiting for? 
I hereby give myself permission to not finish my current art journals. I can still watch the lessons for learning, but I will not work in my art journal unless I'm truly inspired and excited. My time to create is precious and I really want it to be time that is making me feel fulfilled and is heart led. From now on I hope to be sharing art projects that include more stitch and book making. With that in mind, I've made some new purchases that I'm very excited about : 
Wendy Solganik's Wonky Bits Class. I'm waiting for some supplies to arrive but I've watched all the lessons and have been inspired in all sorts of ways to include stitched bits in my work, although this is not what she demonstrates!
I love Klimt and am so inspired by his art. When I saw these 10 stencils for sale as a bundle through Joggles I just had to have them. Even though I had to pay postage and convert to NZ dollars it makes the stencils only about NZ$12 each. 
Again, I have to wait a while for these to arrive but I have school holidays in 3 more weeks so should be perfect timing - fingers crossed. 
If you're seeking some new inspiration, I've found out about a couple of new Free offerings this month. Rae Missigman announced 5 videos across 5 days with 5 Superstars through StencilGirl beginning 13th September.
Videos coming from Carolyn Dube, Seth Apter, Rae Missigman, Lucie Duclos, and Traci Bautista only available to watch for a limited time. Sign up to the Stencil Girl newsletter The Scoop! - the link's on the blog HERE. Or if, like me, you're already a subscriber, go to your Stencil Girl Studio dashboard and click on All Courses to find the link to this Free offering. 
Coming later this month - 2 weeks of Free taster sessions for Life Book 2022! Sign up for them HERE
I hope that the sun is shining wherever you are and that you have time to create with joy.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

52 Tags : Week 36

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 36 : Slow Stitch. Playing with simple running stitch and getting calm with the process of slow stitching. We gathered neutral fabrics, playing with different weights. I used some handmade paper as well as simple broderie edging, sari ribbon, cotton fabric and some ribbon. 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A Year of Mary : Give in to Joy

I've been catching up on Effy Wild's "A Year of Mary" monthly lessons. Time for April's lesson and Mary Oliver's poem Don't Hesitate. This painting is a way to welcome in the magic of Joy. I used my favourite iridescent colours for my base
And ended up with this spread
See all my art from this class HERE. Also joy with news that we are moving to Delta Level 2 = back to school on Thursday with more normal routines but more mask wearing than at last Level 2. I've made some for us and some for extended family. A couple of black ones for the boys, but I really enjoyed working with some fun patterned fabrics.
I hope you are finding creative joy in your days.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

52 Tags : Week 35

Welcome to September. That means Spring Equinox is almost here and warmer weather is just around the corner. I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 35 : 3 Buttons and some special fabric. Why have it stored in a cupboard when you can use and enjoy it? 💜  This tag evolved from 3 points. 
1. Palmerston North in New Zealand went to Level 3 on Wednesday this week which means that children of essential workers are able to be supervised at schools in bubbles. Last year with all my breast cancer treatment, I wasn't able to help, but this year I'm all in so had to make some fabric masks since I'll be wearing them regularly and that's better for our environment than the disposable ones I've been using until now. This is my favourite so far - love these colours
2. A friend gifted me some beautiful wooden buttons when I had an operation earlier this year and I've been saving them...
I had a piece of fabric left over from the mask and it reminded me of water...I thought I could add the buttons like water flowers, and then I remembered
3. I have some beautiful lace from Burano Island near Venice gifted by a friend. It's been sitting in a drawer for a few years now waiting for the perfect project. I was able to snip off a bit as the perfect addition to a happy sea-themed tag for this week 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.
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