Today's journal page. Have been wanting to use that image for ages.
Have been reading this book, finished last night
I liked the characters and the plot, and it was told with different voices so the story evolved (some of it was in flash-back) from different points of view. A nice read about families and on the cover to get to Amazon's info about it. Still thinking about this movie which I saw last week on DVD:
It is a lovely costume drama - gorgeous to look at, well-acted, and the female lead stitches! I want to own it. Click on the poster to go the IMDb site with photos from the movie.
And the other DVD I won't to own is this :
It's just been released for purchase here. LOVED this too - beautiful colours, wonderful design, and good plot line. I especially enjoyed how they managed the costume changes for Alice. And Johnny Depp was wonderful as only he can be.
What are your current fav's that you are recommending?