Saturday, January 1, 2022

Review of 2021

It's really interesting to look back at the year and see the changes that have happened on my personal and artistic journey. This blog is All of Me so I'll share that I finished my Herceptin treatment in April, and scans in June confirmed that I remain cancer free, but I had a medically necessary hysterectomy in May. Mid-year I was questioning how I was spending my creative time and I had a blogging break as part of that which confirmed for me that I want to keep using this platform, but I also enjoy more sharing on Instagram. Another lockdown in August got me thinking further about how I want to spend my time, and in mid-September I did a Spring reset where I gave myself permission to not finish classes I'd started at the beginning of the year if they were no longer giving me joy.   
2021 was the first time I've participated in Wanderlust and I did the lessons almost weekly until the end of August. My journal was looking quite chunky but with many blank pages still remaining. 
I decided I didn't want to keep this as an unfinished journal. Since I worked in the small Dylusions journal and the pages are stitched in, I simply removed them to use in a different project, glued the back of my last page inside the back cover and decorated the outside. Now I can enjoy my finished journal and be happy with what I achieved from this class.
I chose colours that would tone with the class logo.
I did another 14 entries in my art journal. I love the work in there and learned more along the way. I really enjoyed the A Year of Mary lessons which I did and have lifetime access so I may turn to them again later. I'm happy to have this journal waiting for whenever I feel the need. 
I did keep some of my written journaling practice, but far less deep-diving than previously - more a record of the things that I had to write out to get off my chest and keeping a record of what I'm reading and watching is something I enjoy looking back on. I also keep a record of my creativity for the month so that is also fun to see.
I love making gifts of my creativity, and was thrilled to create a quilt for a birthday in May 
and some little books for some birthdays in September
as well as my regular card making.
I wanted an ongoing mixed media stitched project and joined Anne Brooke's 52 Tags project. This was a wonderful weekly challenge where I've grown my artistic voice and learned new techniques. See my final post about this project with photos of all my tags here.
A turning point for me has been the Collage Fodder movement, from the Fodder challenge in June-August to the opening of Fodder School in October. I love creating bits and then using them to inspire my process later. 
I am so excited to get back to these lessons now that I've wrapped up my other projects for the year. 
Despite the challenges of December, I do love a good December Daily and was thrilled to be able to complete this accordian version. It's been a wonderful way to start my Summer holidays.
As always, art has been my haven, a way to work through my problems, as well as a place for new learning and great joy. As I look towards 2022 I know that my creative time is precious and I really want it to be time that is making me feel fulfilled and is heart led. I am so grateful that I signed up for Fodder School and I am excited about the new Bunting challenge with Anne Brooke called 52 Flags, but I'm not setting any other plans. I expect I'll be sharing art projects that include more stitch and book making but we'll just have to see what 2022 brings. 
Wishing you a Happy and Creative 2022  

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