Thursday, December 30, 2021

December Daily-ish 2021 Complete

It's time for my final share of my 2021 December Daily-ish project. 
In January I created an accordian book form and shared my first spread. My intention was to create a book a season, but it just didn't happen. Happily when I decided to do a December Daily journal this year I already had this book form ready to use.
I've been responding to Michelle and Tamara's #ArtJournalAdvent challenge prompts. I was wondering if I had totally unrealistic expectations of doing any pages, but wanted to give it a go as an act of self care and I've been sharing weekly without expectations about how many pages that will be depending on how life is. Sharing the final 6 prompts.
AJA 19 : The power of love. A double spread - I love so many things about this.
AJA 20 : To simply be. I love being with my family. Hidden photo from Christmas day with my Mum and Aunty. The facing page is a print of a piece of my art from 2018 that I'd attached in January.  
AJA 21 : Come to rest. I decided I'd use a lovely image that makes me feel at peace after the bustle of Christmas day. An opportunity to add stitch which is harder once the back side of the page is complete.
AJA 22 : Looking back. One of my favourite projects this year as been #52tags with Anne Brooke. It's been a weekly challenge and I thought it would be fun to do a variation of my first tag from that project. The theme was white which is lovely here. 
AJA 23 : Winter wonderland. This is not going to work since I live in New Zealand...changed to Summer shine. Very excited to use my new pohutukawa wooden block stamp (purchased from Trade Aid) - used paint, a mouse pad for cushioning beneath, and stamped onto lovely dense handmade paper. Facing our final prompt, AJA 24 : Word for 2022. Always Shine. It's been a tough couple of years with many personal challenges. I look forward with hope. 
And here's how my book looks finished 
Scroll back through my December Daily-ish posts to see more detail about pages.


  1. Nothing like the feeling of a finished journal! It looks magical and I know that every single page is very meaningful to you! Wishing you and your family all the very best in 2022! Amazing that our paths crossed all those years ago in that LifeBook Facebook group and we've been on our respective creative journeys side by side ever since! Here's to many more years of friendship xx

    1. Thank you for recognising the meaning behind the pretty. Cheers to you and more sharing in 2022 ♥

  2. I see your time stamp says 9:06 AM the last day of 2021! Make the most of it :)


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