Sunday, January 2, 2022


I'm so glad I have an art journal with pages ready to fill 
because yesterday (my New Year's Day in New Zealand) I got an email from Effy Wild which included a speed painting to inspire embracing your wildness. Here's the email with the link to the painting. After a nap (stayed up til midnight - not used to it!), and a swim (my weather app told me it felt like 29 degrees celsius), I jumped into my journalI love how her face started off looking so kind.
One of the things that attracted me to Effy's version were gorgeous silver doodles in the black spaces. I am wanting to incorporate more of Klimt's style into my work this year, and this seemed the perfect place for that. I decided to use my new stencils.
As I added all that gold and iridescent turquoise, she evolved into a celebration of my word Shine. This has been my word since 2017. In 2022 I want to Shine, to continue being intentional, with an emphasis on releasing what no longer serves me so that I can live with ease. I explained it more fully last year if you are interested in exploring my acronym focus words in more detail : Self-care, Home, Intentional, Notice, Ease.
I had no idea that I would be in my art journal so quickly into the new year. Last time I used it was early September! It's been completely unexpected and a great way to start the year given my previous post where I acknowledged that my creative time is precious and I really want it to be time that is making me feel fulfilled and is heart led. Unplanned creative joy for the win 💜 


  1. What fantastic random stencils - just like your intricate doodles.

    1. The stencils are amazing aren't they? I moved the one in her hair around to get the patterning to flow with her hair. They will be used a LOT this year ♥

  2. Lovely to see how the layers came together - those are some cool patterns! Happy January! xx

    1. I love being able to capture the process on the blog. Happy January to you too.


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