Thursday, January 27, 2022

Journal 52 in January

It's just as well I didn't plan too far ahead with my commitments for this year because Effy Wild unexpectedly announced new Journal 52 cards for 2022! You can just read her musings and print the cards out for your own use, or you can use them as prompts for your own responses. In 2020 I did a card a week. I'm planning to respond this year on various small cards or tags that can become part of my monthly journal project. My rules : each small piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. I know I've been on holiday and everything seems possible right now, but it's a nice option to include if I have time. 
Week 2 : Creativity. Inspired by Fodder school dyeing and fragment lesson from Aimee  Bishop
Week 3 : Companionship. Had to include some of my paper from this month's fodder school lessons with Autumn Moon. Sketched the companions and glazed lightly for contrast. Did this one right in my monthly journal. 
Week 4 : Behold.This one had to be on a tag to fill a final spot in my journal. Was a quick one because I wanted to be inspired by my journal spread colours and found this collage paper in my stash.
I look forward to showing how this project aligns with my monthly journal. I share these Journal 52 responses weekly on my InstagramYou can get access by joining Effy's Wilderhood group on FB or subscribe to her newsletter

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