Sunday, December 19, 2021

December Daily-ish : Week 3

Time for my Sunday share of my current December Daily-ish project.
 I'm responding to Michelle and Tamara's #ArtJournalAdvent challenge prompts with no expectation about how often I'll do these. I'm not behind - I am where I need to be. I finally finished work for the year on Friday so now I've got more time for art.
AJA 6 : Moment of happiness. This prompt inspired me to print a piece of my own art from 2018.
AJA 7 : Short break. Thinking about being present. Again repurposing some art, this time I've taken the base off a recent paper doll.
The beauty of machine stitching is that I could easily unpick the head from the back and I can reattach her to another base later. Added a few extra words and some new sari ribbon.
AJA 8 : Fulfilment. Reaching the end of the year and knowing I'm doing a good job gives me a great sense of fulfilment. I got lots of lovely cards with heartfelt messages from children at school last week. This handmade card was small enough to include and is a very special memory. 
AJA 9 : Boundaries. Thinking about how I push boundaries in my mixed media art, including using ALL the things including stitch and especially love when I have bits poking out over the edges. So much personal symbolism on this page.
So glad I'm doing this project and look forward to sharing more next week.


  1. Super pages and now you'll have more time to finish the journal! There's nothing like the feeling of holding a completed journal in your hands! xx

    1. I am enjoying the prompts and the small format. Will get finished before end of year :-)


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