Saturday, December 18, 2021

Free online class inspirations for December

I have finally finished another challenging school year and am officially on summer holidays. I can enjoy reading, swimming, catching up with friends, and more art time 💜  These offerings are available now and I've brought in a few extra things that I've shared before for my own use in one spot. Hope there's something to inspire you here. 
I recommend Susannah Conway's free annual workbooks. Unravel your year 2021 and Find your word 2022 can both be found HERE in her inspiration library. Password : delight. There's even a mindful colouring version of Unravel this year.
If you didn't get a chance to finish (or even start!) the free taster sessions for Life Book 2022 they are available for a limited 7 days replay but you have to sign up this weekend
Tam has also recently shared the Woman Unleashed Retreat
December 20-31. Each day you’ll get an email with the daily sessions. After retreat sessions air, you'll be able to watch sessions until Jan 9th. Below is Tam's lesson.
You can just pick and choose as many or as few sessions as you want. I usually have a couple of artists I love and explore. Let it be a treat not a pressure. 
Ivy Newport is also sharing her 12 Days of Creativityfavorite creative lessons from her Studioworks class library
I've shared this previously but sharing again cos I'm still tempted to try this - it doesn't have to be a Christmas project : Anne Brooke's #12pagesofchristmas on YouTube.
I'm currently participating in a December Daily-ish project and I think I'm going to use Kasia's December offering this year next month as #CareJanuary instead. 
It's presented as an approach to self-care through mindful art journaling. Based on previous classes by her, I think this will be easily translatable. Sign up HERE
If you want even more, click HERE for my full list of free online art classes. I'll be updating this again in January so if you know of any additions please let me know.

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