Wednesday, December 22, 2021

52 Tags : Weeks 50 and 51

Time for my take on Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. Two tags to catch up this week.
Week 50 : Circles. This was intended to be a simple option for last week thinking everyone's so busy but I couldn't even manage that until this past weekend. Done is better than perfect!
Week 51 : Wreath. Now on holiday and happy to spend a whole evening stitching this one.
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge. You can view Anne's weekly demo on Youtube #52tagshannemade. One to go! 
Merry Merry to you. 


  1. Both are so pretty! I can relate to your note about being happy to spend a whole evening stitching a small piece. I feel that way, too, even when it looks like I haven't made a lot of progress.

    1. Thanks Nancy :-) The process is so good isn't it? Happy holidays to you

  2. Both look Christmassy but in a completely different way! The first one is sparkly and luxurious and the second one has that lovely folksy, homespun feel to it - love both of them! Only one more to go! Merry Christmas, Lynette, to you and your family! You'll get there before we do! xx


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