Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Journal 52 : Week 15

Journal 52 is a weekly prompt from Effy Wild (Free HEREthat I'm creating on a deck of jumbo playing cards 3.5'' x 4.75'' (8.5 x 12 cm)Each card will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. See the original post HERE.
#15 : Clarity. Inspired by Effy's post of a third eye and with my recent postings about storms in my journal and my previous card. I'm thinking about being in the Eye of the Storm and what's really important. I chose this playing card because it is the highest heart card. Begun with a layer of clear gesso for a ground to work upon and right next to my card is my page in progress from Journal Jam that morning....I think I can use that stencil and turn it into an eye
Thinking about colours I looked to the Chakra : Indigo for the third eye and Yellow for clarity. Sequins are my stitched element this week. For future reference, the clear gesso didn't work very well this time - you can see the imperfection in the card where some of the acrylic paint lifted the gesso. This could have been because it wasn't left overnight. I will try again and report back but I don't mind this imperfection in the finished card.
So happy to be posting a card today. I falter when I can't art and I couldn't get out into the studio for the whole of the long weekend due to my treatment. Please if you are struggling for whatever reason take time to rest and be gentle with your self-talk. Remind yourself that you are doing your best, and when you are ready art will find you again. See you soon. Find all my Journal 52 posts HERE 


  1. This is very compelling! Sending best wishes as you work your way through treatment. Your art is certainly a comfort for you. But you're right, pacing yourself is important.


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