Thursday, April 16, 2020

Journal Jam 4 : I do crave the ocean

Effy Wild is sharing a weekly Journal Jam live session in The Wilderhood (her Canadian Monday afternoon, my NZ 7am Tuesday morning). I managed to get up this week to join in live and it is so fun to art together. If you want to play along the edited replay is HERE.
Blue Effy started with loose watercolour but I thought I'd go with sprays instead.
Brayer with gesso and metallic Some silver and then white gesso and then decided I needed a bit more contrast so added some metallic Lumiere Halo Violet Gold ♥ Click on the close up photo to see the gorgeous glow.

Wavy shapes That means stencil for me. Iridescent Green blue was my first thought - too blendy - so added some Phthalo blue to it. Still pretty subtle so went over again with some Muted Turquoise from Liquitex. The sea is my happy place and I miss visiting. 
Pink Another Pebeo iridescent with another wavy stencil.
Need to add more but not feeling what - I don't want to get too literal with the beach theme. Let's see where next prompt leads.
Add random shapes Effy added large circles and glaze between. I dithered and dithered and then went to my silhouette stencils and decided to be brave and introduce a pop of colour. Adding iridescent again - my page is glowing
As I was finally applying the paint Effy drew the next prompt : 
Orange !!! So now I get to add some more. Fingerpainted - meh and I had the photo on the wrong setting so moving straight on
Purple I love purple and my philosophy is to always add more layers if I'm in trouble. 
This is the last prompt and I'm a bit scared to add too much and lose what I love here. I'm going to have a coffee and look at my process photos and think about what next.
At the end of the session Effy is tending (just doing what feels good with details to finish the spread) with white lines and dots....she hasn't finished either yet but this is a screenshot from her replay of where she got to with the same prompts! 
Returning to mine 2 days later with a fresh eye I thought I would begin by thinking about words and adding pen work for a start....I adore Victoria Erickson's poetry and when I went to my file I found the perfect words to get me going again
It didn't take long to finish
See my other Journal Jam posts HERE.

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