Friday, February 28, 2020

Creating a book a month : February Self-Love

I have an Intention to create a book a month this year : small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched. I've created a self-love and affirmation book for February. I was inspired to create another tag book and I am Shining Bright with this one. My tags measure 16cm x 8cm. First gatherings - I LOVE this part. 
I'm going with Pink/Red/Orange as my colour theme and thought that some dark blues would be nice in the backgrounds. Also really wanted to use some new sprays recently gifted ♥
 These are my bases with a mix of paint, spray and paper. Inspired already
As I layered up, I had these words in mindfierce, tender, brave, worthy, loved, strong and grateful. Although they didn't all make it into the final book, they definitely informed my process.
This project involved lots of colour and fun layering. My focus was on enjoying the process of creating what I want to see and my heart needs to hear. The final stage was to stitch the tags together using a double line of zigzag so they would fold. Click on any photo to see it larger. 
Stitched as much as possible with a view to seeing messy stitching on the backs
but when I was finished, I didn't like all of the backs. 
I think it was the hand stitching and the staining on some of the tags that I didn't like, so I decided to add some serviettes and some lovely papers to cover the bits I was unhappy with or that needed that little extra something. 
Very happy with the messy random loveliness of this back now 
And I am thrilled with how the finished tags look individually and collectively
See my other posts about my monthly creating a book project HERE.


  1. This is in my top ten favorites of your work! It's really beautiful and so meaningful. Like you, I can't stop with the tag books- they are such a delight and have endless themes. I'm working on one right now as well. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you sooo much ♥ Has become a fav of mine too


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