Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Back in my art journal : Page Bloom

I realised that I haven't played in my art journal for a month! I've been doing lots of other things, just not in there and I miss it. Decided it was time to tackle a lesson or two from Book of Days. This is a peek at what we've had on offer for February (not including bonus lessons!)
The Page Bloom by Kiala Givehand called me first. It's made in 2 pieces with some tricky folding for the top square. I love working in an altered book but sometimes the illustrations can be a bit obtrusive so I began by covering the bits I didn't want with sheet music - I won't worry about that showing through.
Inspired by my February book, I am very drawn to using those colours for this page : pink, orange, yellow with a bit of blue for dark accent. Backgrounds : 
Then the Bloom fold-out
Because this part is created separately I was very excited to think that I would be able to add stitch. First the collage
And then the trimmings 
The page blooms as it opens
To reveal all my favourite delights
Find out more about the collaborative year-long class Book of Days 2020 and join us HERETHIS LINK will take you to all the work I've ever done inspired by Book of Days through the years.


  1. The fold-out is just colorful fun! Back in your journal- it's funny, but when we enjoy so many different crafts and media, something always falls by the wayside! I'm doing a lot of sewing right now, so my journals are waiting their turn.

    1. It is hard to choose what to do at times...who am I kidding - often! ;-)


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