Monday, December 2, 2019

Creative bookmarks

Every year I have a team of student librarians who help me in my school library. I have got into a tradition of making bookmarks for them as a thank you. These were from last year
And these from 2017 
I used the same method again for this year because it's a quick way to create with lovely results and I needed to create 30 bookmarks! Beginning with 2 x A3 sized watercolour paper for my base. This year I started by painting my bases first
Spraying through stencils and mopping up onto the opposite page as I went
Once they are cut they look quite different and I looked at each one individually before adding fibre and I wondered if extra elements were required. 
Turns out only a few needed extra white stamping 
I just love the bright ones but not everyone has my taste and I can never predict which ones the children will choose
It's really interesting to consider each one separately - each unique in its inky patterned loveliness. 


  1. So colorful- what a nice gift for your helpers!

  2. These look fab - especially all together - must be so much fun making them too!

    1. Yes they come together fairly easily. Amazing how different they look once they are cut apart!


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