Thursday, December 5, 2019

November review and December creative joy

To be honest, these last 2 weeks of the school year are slamming me and there has been no art this week! Luckily, I'd prepared the base of this blog post earlier and I wanted to share my monthly review.
The photo above is of the art I completed in November. You can find all the details if you look back through my most recent posts.  
I taught my final art journal class for the year - read about that HERE.
It's been a really rewarding and inspiring experience and I hope to have the opportunity to continue teaching in 2020.
I wanted to delay this post so I could share the finish of our school quilts. We completed them in November and delivered them to the Birthing Unit on Monday
I am the adult in the photo holding a couple of quilts for girls who were away that day. Again a very worthwhile project but I will never again try and do so many at once! I DO have ideas to do it again in 2020 in a more manageable way.
I managed to create Bookmarks over the weekend to gift my student librarian helpers at school this year - read about that HERE
Creatively inspired last month by the Royal New Zealand Ballet's original production of Hansel and Gretel. Loved everything about it - get a taste HERE
No new supplies but I shared Black Friday sales and temptations HERE and decided to buy these 2 classes that I have been tempted by every time I see them! I figured it's a good sign if I still want them after more than 12 months so they are now sitting waiting for my holiday time... 
Little Book of Whispers online class with Laly Mille
Do check the sales and temptations link if you haven't seen it - has lots of FREE options there for inspiration too. Also an online friend pointed out there are lots of FREE online options through Jeanne Oliver's network - check all of that goodness out HERE.
I fell in love with Gina Ferrari's embroidered crackers and had to purchase the pattern from Etsy - instant download. Hopefully sharing my own versions once work is finished.
I also really want to participate in Kasia's FREE Advent calendar journaling event : 24 days of art journaling with prompts, exploring mindfulness, self-care and gifts of the season. Sign up HERE until 5th December (you've probably got until tomorrow given time zones). Everything crossed I can manage this in some shape or form 
I did my gatherings on the weekend.
That's all I can manage to share right now since I am due at a school function in half an hour. Sun is shining in New Zealand, Summer is here, and I am on holidays in 2 weeks. Can't wait to have more time to create and share with you. Hope you are looking after yourself in amongst the busy. I promise I am and will do something creative on the weekend. 


  1. A chock full year, and a chock full post! Nice!

    1. I sometimes can't believe how much is getting done! Not long until end of year for me. The light is glimmering at the end of the tunnel

  2. Those courses look great, I look forward to seeing what you do. Jeane Oliver's links look wonderful.


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