Monday, December 3, 2018

Plans for December

December for me is : the official start of Summer, the crazy busy that is the end of the school year, lots of social events which are a combination of wonderful and exhausting, a check-list of Christmas projects, making plans for creativity in 2019, and only 2 more weeks until the beginning of extended Summer school holidays ♥ My main achievement in November was starting my #arteveryday project which has significantly changed my creative habits for the better. If you're new here, you can read all those posts HERE. The motivation of wanting to have something to photograph every day works a treat. It has made me much more aware of when I was thinking I was just going to sit in front of a screen that the time was better spent doing some art ♥ It's the awareness that I need to jolt me into better arting habits. And it is very cool to see how quickly things progress though the daily effort doesn't seem that big.
I continue my almost daily practice of writing in my Inner Work Journal and after only 4 months, I'm ready to start a new one for December. I began "Chase your rainbow" in August and here it is complete - the pink tags mark where Sept/Oct/Nov started so you can see I wrote quite a lot each month. 
I LOVE this practice and am excited to explore December and 2019 in my new Inner Work Journal : Dream, Create, Inspire
It's just a cheap hard cover lined exercise book. I usually alter my covers in some way, but this time I love the words, and we're heading into Summer hols so I'm leaving it like this for now. First page of the journal set up = I add my page numbers as I go so I can refer back later. 
On the left is a lovely image a friend shared on FB - this is the kind of inspiration I print out for my journal. My monthly set-up includes a To Do list - keeping my expectations moderate this month since I have so many social and work engagements....Click on any of these photos to see them larger.
These next pages are where I note my weekly Oracle and keep a record of when I draw Tarot, and on the right, the first of my December pages where I keep brief notes of daily events (rather than my feelings about them). 
This is what a completed week looks like : 
When I draw my weekly Oracle card to focus and think about, I note that at the top of my daily happenings, and have got into the habit of picking 2 or 3 photos as highlights of my week. These very quickly bring to mind the shape of my week when I glance back. The printed pages are from the PDF planner I purchased last year - I will be purchasing this for 2019 - excited there is a Southern Hemisphere version this time.
On the pages following this monthly set-up is my actual journaling  - writing almost daily, drawing Tarot as a way of digging in to what I'm feeling. This is an example from last month
And finally, this month I need to order the online classes I'm going to do in 2019 - early bird deals happen if you sign up before end of December for Effy's classes and I'm definitely doing her Book of Days 2019 which is turning into a collaborative next year - EXCITED!
I also want to do her Year of Rumi - I have ideas about maybe doing this class as small art quilts
Bundling is cheaper for payment. And I thought that would be all, except I am also in love with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's current posts about her Gelli journal - see pages HERE and HERE. She has an online class which I really wanted and she had an early bird deal for November which turned out to be an early Christmas present for me. Just begun and I will share when I have time to explore.
I usually do a post where I share Christmas inspirations for you. This year I'm just going to suggest you click HERE for my past sharing of Christmas posts including ideas for December Daily journals and free online offerings. Wishing you a lovely December - make sure you take the time to do some creative nurturing for yourself ♥ 

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