Saturday, December 1, 2018

#arteveryday : week 4

The last week of November, trying to create every day. I've had a massively busy week and next week isn't looking much better in terms of having much time to complete projects. I am so grateful that I have this challenge as a record for myself that I'm actually making progress. Some weeks that progress is harder to see than in others and that's okay for this end of the school year.
Saturday 24th : Began this week with an awesome weekend of learning from Jacqui Karl in her quilted faces class - painted our fabric and then started free-motion quilting - this is part way through day 1
Sunday 25th : this is where I got to by end of day 2 then at night I still had the doodling bug so did a bit on my next recycled magazine face. I will, of course, be doing a full post when I get my face finished ♥ Love where she is taking me. Click on the photo to see it larger for better details of the stitching.
Monday : all unpacked from the weekend so when I'm ready to stitch again I can get into it. 
Also picked up what will be my new Inner Work Journal (cover will probably be altered in some way) and Monday night was our final meeting for 2018 for our quilt club. We were given some Tula Pink fabric to use in a challenge for our Tote & Gloat show next year. I might even think about doing something with it!
Tuesday : finished our stars at Christmas craft club - this time the photo features my happy students and lovely parent helpers. I run our craft club at school so demoed how to make these.
Wednesday : always great to get out stencils and sprays to have a play
Thursday : finished off the binding and labels myself of a couple of neonatal quilts for the girls at school, and cut up the watercolour paper from yesterday....more on that next week
Friday : a photo of my quilt girls from school with the completed neonatal quilts that will be gifted to our local hospital unit next week. So proud of them and proud of myself for having the idea to teach them this and then helping them through all the stages (with a couple of lovely grandmas assisting too) 
Finished my current Inner Work journal - more on this in my next post 
We had my husbands's end-of-year work dinner at our house last night, so the most creative I got yesterday was making salads! I do love salad season - Persian Couscous, Greek and Lettuce salads.
I am feeling very inspired about what's next in my creative journey and I will be continuing to take photos to share my #arteveryday through December since doing something daily, even if it's a very small thing, is feeding my desire to create even more ♥ So much to look forward to creatively in December and beyond....sharing my thoughts about that in my next post. Read all my posts about #arteveryday HERE.

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