Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Welcoming September

Although you didn’t see me as much on the blog in August, a great deal happened in my life. At the beginning of the month I went to see a quilt show put on by our New Zealand National Quilt Association : Aotearoa Quilters. I didn’t manage to do a blog post review about that so here are a few snaps of my favourite quilts from that day. You can click on any photo to see it larger.
I started my new Inner Work journal at the beginning of the month, and have kept up really well with my written journaling practice - 30 pages just in August!
This was what I watched and read this past month - my husband commented on the diversity of my viewing! I was especially lucky to get to a live local production of "Wicked" which was amazing. 
I updated my August goals page with a review of my month :
Although I had some challenges, I DID manage to complete 3 full art journal pages during August so I’m calling that a success
I've also been leading weekly craft club sessions at school making small quilts, and they have all progressed to the quilting stage so am very proud of them too
I am very happy to be heading into September and Spring
I LOVE Spring – looking forward to warmer weather, bare legs, more daylight hours, and hopefully more time to create. I hope you feel re-inspired wherever you live – this change of season is a great time to revisit your practice and think about what you want to do as we head into the last third of our year.
I am particularly excited about a new idea I have about making a small journal that I can work with inside on the couch (while watching TV) or to take with me when I travel. I am inspired by Rae Missigman’s work, particularly her small journals and art marks challengesHer book is currently winging its way to me - take a peek inside via Amazon HERE
I would like to do more of this
and I continue to be inspired by Alisa Burke and the style of doodling on the right
However, I hope you'll forgive not hearing from me again this week since the day after tomorrow I'm heading off on a road trip to Auckland which will include this concert ♥♥♥
Talk to you again soon with new projects to share I hope. Wishing you inspiration, the time (don't forget micro-movements), and the will to create in September. 


  1. You have been busy! I love the quilts. Just helped hang an exhibit of art quilts today with a group I'm part of. Will share on my blog soon. The school children's projects are terrific. And all of yours it, too! Enjoy your travel.

  2. A lovely retrospective! You've been so busy - I don't know how you even find the time to record all the things you've done, let alone create all the wonderful art! My time management skills are rubbish, that's my problem, LOL! Enjoy the warmer weather, while we're enjoying cooler days. Sitting here still bare legged though! xx

  3. ♥ both of you - so appreciate you taking the time to comment. Road trip was awesome


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