Friday, August 31, 2018

Book of Days : This is enough

This piece began as a pretty background when I made my previous page, with inspiration from a class with Effy Wild using paper collage as a base for the face, garment and hair. I began with this pretty iridescent background 
and cut a face shape from sheet music, and a simple neck and shoulders from an old book page
I was hopeful that I could utilise this lovely gelli print from my stash - I have visions of hair....
First colours added
I pieced her garment from a few pieces of the pink gelli print, and then cut the feathers to use for her hair
Loving her ♥ Stencils added for background interest
And then I went to work on her face
Added words
And she's done
This is enough : to make art that makes me smile - to be heading into Spring - to see sunshine today - to have fun things planned for September - to have new creative ideas brewing - to be loved - to be here now, just as I am....This is enough for today.
You can sign up for this and other classes with Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE.


  1. She is lovely for sure! And so many layers- it's fun to see your steps.

  2. It's a fun idea to cut her face and body from sheet music/book paper - which are usually reserved for background textures. Autumn for us means Spring for you! It's a whole different set of sentiments! Last day of holidays tomorrow (Monday) - then it's back to school and back to normality!

  3. Thanks lovelies - I enjoyed every step of this process. She seemed to want to come to life ♥


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