Saturday, August 18, 2018

Moonshine : You were made for joy

I've been very busy with family birthday celebrations this month which haven't left as much time for creativity as usual. But to be truthful, I could fill that "I've been busy with....." {some excuse} every week/month - so really my problem was that I had fallen out of good habits of creating in the spaces between the busy. We all have challenges about finding time to create - I forgot to be actively creating in the 5-15 minutes chunks of time I do have. I explain the theory of micro-movements in full HERE, but the essential point is that you use every 5-15 minutes you have to do just one step - gather your materials, arrange your work space, thread your machine, add a layer of paint, add a layer of collage, find the mask/stencil, add another layer of paint, cut out found words....The effect of the micro-movements idea is 2-fold. Firstly, 5 minutes here and there can quickly build to 1/2-1 hour in a day, which is 7 hours in a week....Secondly, if I feel in a bit of a creative slump, I can trick myself by saying "I'll only do this for 5 minutes" - often after that 5 minutes, I'm sucked in :-) Once you light the flame, it's going. 
This was a lesson from Effy's Moonshine class and was built up by layers.
Once I remembered micro-movements, I was able to move forward a layer at a time and then walk away to my next "busy" while that dried. I've taken process photos - none of the steps took very long in themselves, so imagine them as the 15 minute bursts I've described over a few days.

You were made for joy ♥
You can sign up for this and other classes with Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE


  1. A pretty journal spread- and glad you are back in the creative groove.

  2. Thanks Nancy - funny how I forgot the micro-movements when I've shared that concept with so many people over the years.

  3. Love your 15 mins per layer approach! It's true that it's easy to fall out of the habit of creating. I find that sometimes just thinking about creating can light the fire for me but it always has to start with a small step and the next will follow!

  4. If only i could remember to stick at the 15 minutes all the time....when you don't feel 100% for whatever reason (illness, weather) it sure can derail you. Trying to remember micro-movements for September


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