Sunday, September 16, 2018

Book of Days : Spring portrait

Effy's Canadian so for her latest lesson she created a whimsical iconic portrait to celebrate Autumn. Since I'm celebrating Spring (definitely more sunshine here lately but hoping the equinox will bring warmer temperatures to match) I am inspired by all the blossoms I'm seeing around my home city and my magnolia tree blooms 
I've also just been to P!nk's concert in Auckland....A-MAZ-ING
so I'm feeling drawn to all things Pink ♥
Once I had a the base of the background done, I decided to block in the face and fill in gaps around it. I find it easier to do this earlier on since I sometimes find it hard to cover up layers beneath - in this case especially that metallic green...
I think from now on I will block the face in early if I know sort of where that is going to go, although layers showing through can definitely work for me. Cherry blossom paint for her face base seems appropriate
Loose florals for her hair
Face coming together
Not enough Pink. Glaze = transformation ♥
Also pinking up her face a bit more
White doodles add pop (and the feeling of spring blossoms for me)
Quote for Spring
And she's done. 
I love this, and she looks nothing like  the lesson! ♥Finding my own voice ♥ You can sign up for classes with Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE.


  1. Loved seeing your process, Lynette. And your gorgeous magnolia tree! Enjoy. Your painting is lovely.

  2. The blooming tree is lovely! And all those white pen doodles- wonderful effort on this. I know it took time!

  3. Thank you both lovely ladies - the Magnolia is almost completely covered in glorious green leaf now. The blooms don't last that long but are a glorious way to start Spring every year.

  4. She’s glorious! I could feel that Spring energy even before I hopped over and read your blog post. xx

  5. Thank you Shinjini and Carin - I love that you could feel the Spring energy. Her hair doodles were so fun ♥

  6. Wonderful blossom and I love how it inspired your page. I'm still finding it hard to put my head around the fact that our Autumn is your Spring! Hope it will bring you warm weather soon - it's still pretty warm for us and a bit too muggy xx

  7. We have had a couple of glorious days of sunshine and bare feet so that's a nice taste of things to come I hope. Supposed to be a bit cooler this weekend but I'm off on my annual Girls' Weekend so I won't be worrying about that too much! ♥


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