Friday, August 6, 2010

Week in Review and Some Blog Love

It's been a bit of quiet one this week - I've been hit with a winter headcold...thankfully it is nearly gone, and I almost have a daffodil out so that is the promise of Spring.
I have been stitching the charity quilt - it is large and heavy so I am keeping it simple with an irregularly spaced grid - thanks for the inspiration Rhonda :-)And I've been playing around with fabric for the cover for my paper/stitch book pages I have shown you here and here and here! This is going to be the outside And this is going to be the inside - underneath is the tie to wrap around it all
The tie is already stitched - it leaves the edges of the fabric squares raggy which I quite like. Will show you some closeups when the entire cover is done.
Some disappointing DVD watching this week, but this was a romance that I watched with low expectations and it was surprisingly okay!I am a sucker for romance - and I re-watched this movie.I just love it- you've probably seen it since it was released in 2003 (can you believe that!) but if you haven't, you should.
Thought I would finish with some Blogs that have inspired me this week :
Gorgeous mixed media tags at M-is-for-Martha blog
Love Ingrid Dijkers' art journals
Very cool handstitched details from Sue Spargo
Annette Emms has some lovely work featured if you click on the "book in the box" video top right of her page
Lovely layers of fabric, paper and stitch from Ruth Rae
And DJ Pettitt is going to be offering an online class - if you are interested find out more here, and make sure you join her mailing list Very exciting - might see you there :-)
Have a lovely weekend
And do leave a comment if you are inspired. I love to hear from you.

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