Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Handmade Book finished

Our Fodder School lessons in August were to make a gorgeous handmade book inspired by lessons from Wendy Solganik, one of the creators of Fodder School. I loved every step of the process and took as much time as I needed...hence I'm only finished now! I kept being torn with wanting to rush and finish making my book, and wanting to delay and savour the process! Please see my previous blog post for some earlier process photos. Below I'm sharing a peek into how the book finally came together. 
I love the combinations of machine and hand stitching, paper and fabric on the pages
I used my lovely typewriter to type out quotes from the inspiring book "The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse" by Charlie Mackesy. 
Then it was time to make my cover and I made sure not to miss the opportunity of using pieces of my hand dyed and altered fabrics for the inside as well.
It's now all together and complete. Here are a few favourite photos - very hard to choose!
So much fun to have a book that showcases many of the techniques I've learned in Fodder School 1. If you want to see what others have done this past year in Fodder School 1, there's a You Tube hop showcasing many projects HERE. Fodder School 2 has just started. You can join either one, or both!, HERE.

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