Wednesday, October 5, 2022

September monthly journal review

Time to share my completed September monthly journal. My colour was Pink and I began with a photo of my glorious magnolia tree. 
My art in these journals is created in response to Effy Wild's Journal 52 cards for 2022. My rules : each piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. You can get access to the prompts by joining Effy's Wilderhood group on FB or subscribe to her newsletter
Week 35 : Breath
Week 36 : Grow - used some of a snippet roll for this one
Week 37 : Fantasy - a faux postage stamp and dreams of 'somewhere over the rainbow'
Week 38 : Wild - loved the colours on my underpaper so turned into the background and a lovely piece snipped off my book cover. So serendipitous
And after beginning with my magnolia tree, it seemed right to finish my cover with a photo of my first rose of the season! 
I really adored my pink journal. Let's see what I do with Green for October.
See all my posts about my monthly journal project HERE and Journal 52 HERE
I continue to post on my blog to inspire and as a record for me, but I am doing so less often. See more regular postings from me on my FB artist page and Instagram


  1. You've included so many elements in your lovely journal! The rainbow and faux postage stamp are delightful.

    1. It's nice to have a monthly record of what I'm doing in my art practice as well as my days' events


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