Sunday, September 18, 2022

Snippet rolls and faux postage stamps

I'm making more slow progress with my handmade book inspired by lessons from Wendy in our fodder school lessons in August. I did my base pages and some fabric dying which I'll share here in case you haven't seen them
I want to add more bright colours to my book and have recently had fun with a couple of ideas. First I got inspired to make some snippet rolls. If you're not familiar with them, there's a whole instagram tag devoted to them #snippetrollHere's the link to Nik the Booksmith's tutorial on YouTube which many refer to as their first inspiration for snippet roll making. 
I decided to make mine on a fabric base since I already had some 2" wide strips of fabric leftover from a quilt binding - a lovely mix of paper and fabric, and they're very soft and flexible. 
But what do you do with them? You can add more decoration to them before use - this could include hand stitching, found words, beads and other small embellishments.
You could enjoy it as a long roll like my book attached to a cotton reel base
Or if you make books or decorate journals you can cut them down and 
use pieces as tabs, as tuck points, and as a strap for a journal closure. Wendy Solganik has a great Instagram post with lots of ideas.
Here's my most recent Journal 52 word prompt where I used some on a tag : 
This month's fodder school lessons are with Kelly Anderson. I was inspired by her faux postage stamps and am very happy with how my first attempts turned out. 
I'll hopefully be able to share more of my book soon. I'm getting excited by how all these bits are going to come together. It's going to be so much fun to have a book that showcases many of the techniques I've learned in Fodder School 1. 
We start Fodder School 2 in a couple of weeks and you can join that and even still join Fodder School 1 HERE. I was lucky with my timing and got good deals for my memberships, but based on the past 12 months I'm sure if you take the leap you won't be disappointed.  


  1. Lovely snippet rolls. I'm plodding along on the August project and have only watched the videos of September. So there is a ways to go. Love your stamps. I'm taking FS2 as well, so really need to get a move on!

    1. So glad I finally made some snippet rolls. I am also doing FS2. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but the joy I get from this class is undeniable and I can't wait to see what's next.

  2. I absolutely love your snippet rolls - and everything else! So much colour and inspiration! XX

    1. Thank you. I'm wanting to rush and finish making my book, and I want to delay and savour the process!

  3. ps. thanks for the link - checking it right now!


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