Friday, July 1, 2022

June monthly journal review

Time to share my completed June monthly journal. I chose 
Pink for June since it's a joyful colour to celebrate my birthday month 💜 I was sick with a head cold for a couple of weeks and had to postpone many of my celebrations. At least I had some brightness and delight in this journal. 
After this spread I realised I wasn't enjoying the collage so much so I got out some favourite stencils and paints 
My art in this journal is created in response to Effy Wild's Journal 52 cards for 2022. My rules : each piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. 
Week 22 : Healing. Inspired by the card project I was doing that week
Week 23 : Intensity. I wasn't sure what to do with this word so I just sat with it and then a couple of things happened. I saw this amazing stencilled feather tutorial from Michelle @RaspberryBlueSky, and I had the idea to look up poetry by Victoria Erickson because her words never fail to inspire and she paired these words : "You can be both soft and intense"
I stencilled on 3 feathers (because I couldn't stop at 1!)
and this is my journal page - intensely fun, intensely felt
Week 24 : Offering. Decided to use one of my really gorgeous mehndi hand stencils. 
Week 25 :  Fury. Deep and passionate feeling, and a bit messy. 
You can get access to the prompts by joining Effy's Wilderhood group on FB or subscribe to her newsletter. See all my posts about this project here. See all my posts about my monthly journal project HERE and Journal 52 HERESee more regular postings from me on my FB artist page and InstagramWow - half way through the year!! 
Haven't quite started my July journal, but you may remember I purchased file folders at the beginning of the year for this project, and will have to repeat colours now for the remaining 6 months.
I've chosen Blue for July since it's chilly. Funny that I also chose Blue for January for the opposite reason! Looking forward to sharing more art this month since I have school holidays coming up. See you soon.


  1. Another month gone by- so fast! Your journal is so vibrant and fun. Really love the stenciled feather. It's a unique addition. Enjoy your holidays.

    1. Thanks so much Nancy. I have so many creative plans!


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