Monday, June 20, 2022

Birthday Celebration Zine

In 2017 I was teaching this book form but I didn't know that catchy name Zine. 
Dina Wakley has a great demo of making these on YouTube and in my library community this great post from Christchurch City Libraries was shared recently. A Zine is a book you can make from one piece of paper.
This is my most recent version, inspired this month by a bonus lesson by Wendy Solganik in Fodder School and versions by Tiffany Sharpe. First to make collage master sheets.
Recently I managed to find this A3 pad of cheap watercolour paper.
It's 190 gsm weight so about double the weight of my printer paper, and I thought the size would be really useful for creating bases for cards and also for Zines since it's a lighter weight than normal watercolour paper so easier to fold down. By the way - worth a trip to Feilding from Palmerston North for art supplies - got the gold pens from Aotearoa Art Supplies (you can also order online), and the paper was from Dollar City - Top Cats Alley. Next to each other on Manchester Street.
Here are a couple of master sheets created with papers from fodder school lessons
If you're not part of fodder school, Wendy Solganik has a really cool course about a way to make collage master sheets and then turn them into tags which you can get free by signing up for her newsletter HERE
Step 2 - fold and cut
Adding stitch and words
Then folding it into a Zine and stitching - I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make lots of pockets for tags
In case it's not obvious, front of tags above, and backs below.
Celebrating my 55th birthday this month creatively 


  1. This turned out beautifully. I love the master sheets from Fodder School. I have not done any yet, but yours are inspiring me to do so. Is it a celebration of your birthday? If so, happy birthday to you!

  2. These look so wonderful! I'm so glad you're having fun with fodder school - was definitely worth joining as you got so much out of it! Hope you're well, Lynette! Sending you friendly hugs.

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa - I have joined Fodder School 2 cos it's been very worthwhile for me. Looking forward to July - school holidays and more creative time :-)


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