Sunday, July 3, 2022

July Inspirations

First I'm sharing a peek into my new July Journal. I couldn't quite make it in time for my June review post where you can learn more about this year-long project. A blue journal again, this time for a chilly winter month. 
These are my base journal spreads for the first 2 weeks.
I'll be adding extra elements as I add the writing to this journal, and my flip outs (can see one on the left above) will be used for my weekly response to Effy Wild's Journal 52 prompts. See my posts about that as they happen on my FB artist page and Instagram.
We are half way through the year and I'm a week away from our lovely school holiday break. It's winter here, so my idea of holiday fun is to get creative. Luckily for me there are a number of Free online offerings that are going to support me. 
First up, the Free Fodder Challenge will run July 5-13 and content will be available until 27 July unless you sign up for Fodder School 2 in which case you get to keep all of it! More info about the teachers and sign up HERE. If you want a taste of what we got last year, some of that is accessible via links kept by DeeDee Catron HERE.
Make Create Express is next weekend. Register HEREFrom past experience, this one can feel more pressured because you only have 24 hours to watch the content, but you mustn't feel like you have to see it all. Best strategy is to choose a few favourite teachers and enjoy them as free inspiration and time for you.
The Artist Soul Retreat with Laly Mille is back. She created this is October 2020, and is releasing it again for 13-16 July. Register HERE. I'm always inspired by Laly's classes and I remember watching last time around but not having time to actually create. Hopefully this month will be different.
June was my birthday month, and although I spent quite a bit of that with a nasty headcold, I have rebooked celebratory gatherings with friends during the next fortnight, and I have some lovely new art supplies to play with. 
Feeling lucky. July is looking to be a fun-filled month. 


  1. What a refreshing blue. And I love flaps and flip-outs in journals. This should be fun. I'm enjoying and looking forward to all the free sampler sessions online during this month.

    1. It's so lovely to look at this blue from a winter point of view this time when in January I was all about blue skies and swimming focus. Happy creative July :-)


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