Wednesday, June 1, 2022

May monthly journal with Journal 52

Time to share my completed May monthly journal. I chose 
Brown for May since we're nearing the end of Autumn and the trees are getting bare. Thought it would be lovely to include gold and bronze metallics. Here are my gatherings. Even my underpaper fits - an old street map.
I was quite excited by this, and I don't often work with neutrals. Here's what happened
My art on flip-out pages in this journal is mostly created in response to Effy Wild's Journal 52 cards for 2022. My rules : each piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. I'd been sharing these in a separate blog post, but that seems silly when it all lives together. 
Week 18 : Quicken. A new journal, new challenges, stimulating my creativity 
Week (19) : no prompt because Effy had Covid so I just created using lovely collage fodder that fit alongside the above spread.
Week 19 : Strong (Effy has promised 52 prompts in total this year so just a week out of sync with the year now). Exploring dark and light neutral contrasts. Loving that all my papers from this and the above prompt were created by me - all my own colours, textures and marks. 
The weekly spread was done after this flip out - I thought it would be fun to use scraps to frame journal spaces
Week 20 : Serene. The other side of the flip out page above and I had to include a figure with this one. The colours complement what's seen of the journal spaces 
Decided that since there were only 2 days left for the month to fill my last double-page spread, I'd wait and see what Effy's prompt was. I'd been having a play with some spray paint and this was what I started for my June cover and this final spread
Week 21 : Onward. The stencil looked like hair, and I loved that Effy used a profile for this prompt. Then I remembered my stencil faces that I made in August last year during the free fodder challenge. Journal circles in her hair, a little bit of left over flower fodder and sheet music, and I really love this last spread in my journal.
You can get access to the prompts by joining Effy's Wilderhood group on FB or subscribe to her newsletter. See all my posts about Journal 52 HERE
And now we move forward to June - my birthday month 💜 Time to use my pink file folder and I am so excited to work in this one. 
See all my posts about my monthly journal project HERESee more regular postings from me on my FB artist page and Instagram


  1. I really love your May journal. The kraft paper and other neutrals work so well, and the look of the white pen work on it is a standout. Lovely work!

    1. I've enjoyed working it in much more than I thought I would! Good to step outside comfort zones and make new discoveries


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