Monday, June 13, 2022

New cards and fodder school with Laura Dame

I watched a gelli printing technique with alcohol ink markers with Kate Crane and it gave such lovely ethereal print results I thought they would be perfect for my next lot of card bases. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work! Then I used isopropyl alcohol to do some cleaning up on the stencils and the plates and this is my pile that 'didn't work'. There really aren't any failures using a gelli plate!
Our instructor for Fodder school in May was Laura Dame. Lots more fun with stencils and gelli printing - I learn something new from every teacher we have. It was especially great to be reminded to get out my spray paint cans again and have fun creating patterning with stencils over papers that weren't finished or didn't feel right for whatever reason. I worked over some of the papers above and a few others.
These are some of my favourites
That last one was on some uninspiring scrapbook paper. Everything is fair game.
Dig into Laura's YouTube channel for free instruction and a taste of her teaching style including using coffee and paynes grey on book pages and using coffee, stencils and watercolours to make collage papers. I have yet to try these but don't Laura's look delicious? 
I needed to make some more cards and decided that some of the lovely sprayed backgrounds above would be just perfect. 
All with some fodder school focals added and I have a few spares that can have words added as the occasion arises. A pink background was also perfect for my Journal 52 Week 22 prompt.
I am really enjoying my new Pink monthly journal for June. I shared the cover here


  1. You are so right- gel printing is no-fail, even if you have to add another layer. Your cards look great with the backgrounds. Fodder School is really packed with fun things and you're making the most of it!

    1. Hope you are enjoying summer sun and fodder play as well :-)


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