Saturday, March 19, 2022

Tagged, Sewn, Connected workshop

I am not going to enrol in more classes this year UNLESS they are by teachers I adore, are attractively priced and I can see they will feed my creative soul. Enter Tagged, Sewn, Connected with Kristi Nazzaro (Soul Positive) and Kristin Peterson (Altered States Studio).
I love found words, tags, mixing fabric and paper with stitch...this workshop ticks all my boxes and it's so nice to support artists I love. I purchased this course as soon as it was available and watched all the videos, but it's taken until now to have time to make my own version. 
I am trying to use what I have without spending money if I can help it. I could have purchased a packet of shipping tags at the recommended size for around $11, but instead I went to our $1-$2-$3 shop and purchased an A5 Board pad for $4.50. It has 25 sheets of white card (tag weight). I printed onto some of them with Kristen's technique using alcohol inks and then tried this technique from Tiffany Goff Smith using isopropyl alcohol to get the ink off and get more prints. 
Make sure you are working in a very well-ventilated space but I'm loving that all of this is from one pass of adding alcohol to stencils on an A4 size gelli plate. I cut them into large and small tags and felt excited by how cool they look. 
I cut a few more from leftovers in my stash so I can create a book just using this colour theme and then I started playing with what I'd use for the pockets and dug through my stash of sari ribbon and I'm in love with how I can get beautiful variety
These are the large tags with their pockets
Small tags for inside the pockets. I'm sure you can spot some of my collage fodder making an appearance. Especially happy with how my handwriting on clear tape appears here.
And then it was time to join them together to make an accordian book.
I'm sure you'll enjoy this class. It's so reasonably priced at US$22 - you can get it here.


  1. Didn't this turn out just beautifully? You have so many different techniques packed into your tag book. I can imagine the fun of digging through the stash to come up with the right fibers and embellishments. Lovely job.

    1. Thanks Nancy. So lovely when artistic friends appreciate the joy of all the steps of creation ♥

  2. Oooh, this is where they all went! A wonderful collection! Love all the bits and pieces! xx


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