Saturday, March 12, 2022

Cheap and Free online art class inspiration

There have been a couple of lovely free offerings again recently that I thought I would share.
Sketchbook Revival 2022 is a collaborative offering with some teachers I am excited to see, including Caylee Grey, Tiffany Sharpe, Tamara LaPorte and Faith Evans-Sills. I'm also looking forward to discovering artists that are new to me. Classes start on March 21st and all sessions will be available until April 18th (Easter Monday). I always join these because you don't have to watch everything, and just one artist might unlock something for more creative joy in your future.
Strathmore have free online classes every year. Their first one is now available : Easy breezy beach art with acrylics

And on the beach art theme, have you seen Alisa's latest video on YouTube which is a peek inside her art journal : Ocean inspired. She's promoting her class Ocean Alchemy which currently only costs US$15.
I am not going to enrol in more classes this year UNLESS they are by teachers I adore, are attractively priced and I can see they will feed my creative soul. I have purchased this class since I couldn't pass up the combination of one of my favourite soul places with the inspiration of one of my favourite teachers at that price. I've watched some of the lessons but haven't had a chance to properly explore that yet.
However, I have started to explore this class with Kristin and Kristi. 
I'm sure you'll enjoy this class. It's so reasonably priced at US$22 - you can get it here. Here's a peek at my play so far...more soon I'm sure
If you read my previous post, you would have seen I was demotivated. I think it's obvious that dropping something that wasn't giving me joy has led to a return of my creative mojo. I am so loving this project. 
Hope there's something there to inspire you with creative joy too xo


  1. Always appreciate it when you share these classes. Like you, I'm a big fan of online learning when it comes to mixed media. I signed up for Alisa's class as well. She certainly makes them affordable and inviting. Glad you are "feeling" the creative juice again.

    1. Hope you are able to find some more time for creativity too Nancy.


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