Sunday, February 13, 2022

Fodder School with Megan Whisner-Quinlan

It's been a hugely busy week back at school with the students. But I've had a great weekend with time to relax and do some more fodder school play and now able to share what I've done so far with our February lessons with Megan Whisner-Quinlan. I really love her work and her colour palette so have been looking forward to these lessons. 
I was thinking about my monthly journal when I made my first fodder, but then I just went with colours I adore. 
I look forward to using this fodder in projects to come. The piece below is in my monthly journal using fodder elements and a background from my first play when the lessons were released.
And I even love the inky papers that I printed on so as not to waste the ink
and my under paper is coming along nicely
This coming week we get Megan's second lesson for the month about how to use our fodder. You can still join us


  1. I really like looking at these on my large computer screen - on the phone screen I can't always appreciate the textures and details!


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