Friday, February 4, 2022

52 Flags : January

I shared the beginning of this project hereWhile I've been posting the flags to my Instagram weekly as I've made them, I'm just going to do a monthly photo share here on the blog. 
Week 1 : A pocket and a note to self
Week 2 : Darning. Therapeutic stitching - an imperfectly mended heart
Week 3 : Fragments and buttons. A chance to combine fabric and paper with stitch.
Week 4 : Windows. Fun to use some gorgeous felt from my stash and embellishments representing some of my favourite things
You can join us at any time on Anne's Ko-fi page 
(£3 = around NZ$6/month). I'm enjoying this weekly challenge - I often stitch them in the evening. And I'm loving seeing them hanging up in my studio. 
If you want to see these every week, check out my Instagram


  1. You're off to a great start with these! I can't wait to see your collection by the end of the year!

    1. I'm being disciplined about doing them and am enjoying them more as time goes on and can see them as a collection on my wall


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.