Saturday, February 26, 2022

Journal 52 in February

I'm responding to Effy Wild's Journal 52 cards for 2022 on various small cards or tags that can become part of my monthly journal project. My rules : each small piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. Each monthly journal is colour themed so that informs my choices too.
Week 5 : Grace. Inspired by work with Megan Whisner-Quinlan in Fodder school that week
Week 6 : Play. The vellum words were attached to a label on a recent clothing purchase.
Week 7 : Love. Inspired again by the new lessons released by Megan Whisner Quinlan about making assemblages.The photo is my mum and her big sister.
Week 8 : Allow. I've been reading Caylee Grey's wonderful book with her Get Messy philosophy. She keeps saying that quality comes with quantity. I had less than half an hour to create so let go of expectations and just allowed what wanted to show up on this page. Enjoying using fodder bits from previous months too.  
I share these Journal 52 responses weekly on my Instagram.You can get access to the prompts by joining Effy's Wilderhood group on FB or subscribe to her newsletter. See all my posts about this project here.

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