Sunday, November 14, 2021

Fodder school : more watercolour fun

Turns out although we're onto a new month, I haven't had enough of watercolour fodder inspired by October's lessons in Fodder School. The teachers are so generous that as well as our lesson for the month by a main teacher, there are bonuses too from other teachers trying out techniques and adding their own spin.
I was inspired to create a different style of flower from Megan Whisner-QuinlanMy own variation was to make pohutukawas
Rainbow lessons from Laura Dame
Plus I created some jellyfish shapes with watercolour and a straw
and more circles and hearts with salt effects - I think these will be great backgrounds for found words when the time comes
They all went straight in my fodder keeper for storage after - loving this. 


  1. Oh this looks so much fun! I ummed and ahhhed about signing up for this - it seemed so expensive - but then I started seeing some of the results, and signed up late, about a week ago. However, as I was already signed up for two short classes (one art, one writing) I decided not to stress myself, and just wait to start this until I've finished the others. So I'm looking forward to starting in 10 days time. Yours looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks Cally. I was lucky and joined up early on when cheaper but I can say that the monthly content is very generous and the support from the teachers is excellent. I have not regretted it. Can't wait to see what you create :-)

  2. Your fodder is so pretty. You set yourself a challenge cutting out the jelly fish, but they are fun. Your collection is growing quickly!

    1. I'm not sure if the jelly fish will need more, but they were definitely fun to create thus far. Loving seeing my collection grow.


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