Thursday, November 11, 2021

52 Tags : Week 45

Time for my take on Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. Week 45 : Fireworks. In honour of the 5th of November. I knew this one would be fun and got out my beading needle! 
I hope that soon I'll be able to post some art that isn't a tag! If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen I've been creating more collage fodder. Not quite done enough for a blog post yet so for now I am grateful that in the busy of my life, I can still manage to finish a small weekly creation. 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge. You can view Anne's weekly demo on Youtube #52tagshannemadeAnne's going to continue with a weekly project next year but with some differences. Find out all about it via her YouTube video. The project is going to be bunting and you can do entirely fabric ones, or work like this year's tags on a card base. A small charge this time (£3 = around NZ$6/month) Looks fabulous. I have so enjoyed this year's challenge. Might see you there.


  1. This one's so sweet - it does remind me of fireworks! I love the bunting idea - imagine, by the end of the year, you would have a pretty long one!

    1. She has created some double-sided templates so will be 26 on each side and able to be displayed which will be really cool.

  2. Love all the beading! Have you see also Kelli May Krenz's upcoming class Sugar Plum Stitching? Stitch-intensive and looks like fun.


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