Thursday, July 15, 2021

Sharing free classes - I'm back!

So I've reassessed what I'm doing and how I'm doing it as per my last blog post and I've decided I want to keep blogging. Instagram and FB have been great to get me to focus on sharing a photo of the finished piece without a lot of time taken on process photos, but I miss writing out my inner dialogue about projects so I can remember my thoughts at a later date, I miss having a place to look back on free online art class opportunities, I miss the way this blog can bring a whole project together with one click like my 52 Tags, and I really miss links - to artists, to classes, to bringing strands of my thoughts together for a project or sharing where I got inspiration. The beauty of blogging is that it's an online journal that captures my creative journey and also connects me with a global community. I really value the friendships that have evolved through that. Because of my labels, I can always find my way back to how I did something and I can investigate my past patterns of creating. I started my blog in July 2010 so this month is my 11th bloggiversary! But in 2014 I said Farewell in May and then returned in July. Four Years later in July 2018 I almost stopped again, but realised  it was because I hadn't been as we are three years later and some of the same issues have come up. Now I've captured this information it will hopefully support me next time - probably mid-winter - in realising that we have seasons of creativity and blogging is something that helps my process. 
I have a few projects to catch you up on. The photo above is my art created in June - some you've seen here, some I've only shared on my Instagram and FB. I will remedy that next week. I am nearing the end of my first week of school holidays and my husband and I are off for a long weekend to Napier leaving tomorrow. Before I go, I want to share a couple of free online art opportunities you might want to get in on. This first one needs quick action!
The Painted Paper Project is available again HERE
This Kindness Project, with the simple message of SPREAD JOY, has thousands of creatives making “heart bundles” to share with others. Featuring a number of artists, the doors are open to new sign-ups for only a couple more days. Rae Missigman announced 7 days open on Insta HERE - that was 5 days have anytime access once you've joined. 
You might remember I've previously shared that I was inspired by the Collage Fodder 100 day project - especially the work of Megan Whisner Quinlan and Willa WandersWilla then announced a FREE Fodder Challenge collaborative classroom.
Free access to the classroom June 7 August 8. Lessons available right now from 9 different artists. You can still sign up HERE with time to play. 
I've been thinking a lot during my blog break about what I create and I've been missing creating little books. I really love what I've been seeing on both Megan and Willa's accounts linked above. Willa has recently announced a new class which has evolved from the above challenge - and while it's not free, I'm sharing as something that I'm doing next. It's good value for a year-long collaborative experience with 12 teachers that make me excited. 
You can sign up HERE. Currently US$147 until August when price goes to US$187. Registrations close August 31 and class start 1st October. I was gifted money for my birthday last month so I'm in. Might see you there. Talk soon - it's good to be back!


  1. Well, I'm glad you are back! And again, thank you for sharing the resources. The collage fodder one sounds very interesting. I like Willa Wanders projects. I look forward to more books in your future!

  2. I totally agree with what you said about blogging, which is the reason I keep doing it myself. And the good news is, we don't need to choose between one or the other - we can do both as they serve different purposes! I like looking back on my old blog posts as well - and remind myself of some of the techniques that I forgot about! We do it as much for ourselves as for other people. Glad you're back! xx

  3. Glad to see you back! I always look forward to your blog posts. I’m taking the summer off from blogging (and a lot of online activities) so my arm/ shoulder can heal some more. I agree about the rewards of blogging. It is nice to be able to chronicle steps in the creative journey and look back at this at a later date. And it is so much fun to share with others!

  4. Thank you all - I appreciate you ♥


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