Sunday, July 18, 2021

52 Tags : Weeks 23-28

I'm still participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. While I was on my blog break, we reached Week 26 and half way through this challenge. Here's the collection so far : Weeks 1-13 
Weeks 14-26
So cool to see them all together. The last tag you saw here on the blog was Tag 22, so here's a catch-up for you.
Tag 23 : A bunch of flowers using a colour you don't often use. I love red but don't often use it in my art. Fun to use a mix of stitches and buttons and more lace.  
Tag 24 : Tatting. I cheated - I mean interpreted this in my own way! I didn't want to do my own tatting as the lesson demonstrated, so used a lovely old piece from my stash and celebrated my birthday week. Loving to incorporate more paper again in this one too.
Tag 25 : Woven threads. Loving the textures on this one.
Tag 26 : A medal for making it half way through the challenge and the year ♥
Tag 27 : Beads and Tassles. Discovered I already owned beading needles! Very cool to learn something new.
Tag 28 : Spider Wheel. 2 methods - woven and wrapped. 
This was last week's tag so now we're all up to date on this project. This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. Fun to catch up on your tags. Impossible to pick a favorite, but that beads/tassels one really turned out beautifully. And I love the one with the buttons, and the purple with round objects, too. They feature so many different techniques which is great.

    1. It's such a great project. Learning lots and often the ones I don't expect to like much turn out to be among my favourites!


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