Saturday, May 1, 2021

Birthday Quilt

We had another great niece born last April. Unfortunately I was in the throes of cancer treatment and was not able to create a quilt for her like the one below which I did for her sister
I was determined that she would have one for her first birthday (which was on Wednesday) and it was delivered today at her party. It's a lot larger because she's running around not rolling on the floor. Love that I've used some of the same fabric in both quilts
I used a free pattern from Valori Wells, although I didn't follow her instructions exactly for the layout.I do so love pink and yellow together. 
And I found a lovely flannel to back it with so it's nice and snuggly. 


  1. What a happy quilt for a happy occasion! She'll love her birthday present.

  2. Such wonderful presents and how lovely that they co-ordinate!

    1. Big sister was excited to find the fabrics from her quilt in the new one :-)


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