Monday, May 3, 2021

Journal Jam : a lesson in persistence

I love arting alongside Effy Wild in Canada. Watch the unedited replay HERE.
Effy draws prompts from art cards and then we do what they say. Have decided that rather than explaining steps I'm just going to make this a series of process photos. As you look at the spread, the left is from the prompts and the right is my palette and cleaning off page that will be finished separately at the end.
This is a painting of our now extinct Huia. I love my wooden block stamp.
The prompts stopped and I had a long way to go. I lost my way with the pink iridescent turning purple and the green gold background...I almost gave up here to be honest! Time to take a breath and remember that ALL journal pages go through ugly stages so if you don't love it, keep going. Small steps are best. Time to cover some stuff up! Used some gelli printed collage paper, re-stencilled with the kowhai leaves and stencilled over the feather again with bronze. This looks better with more analogous colours.
After some consideration I realised that I needed to doodle to make that feather more like a feather. Some words and suddenly I can call it done. 
Definitely learning in this one...and the facing palette page has been painted over with white gesso so I can start fresh! I share everything I create in the hope that it inspires you to keep going on your creative journey too. See you again soon. 


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