Thursday, April 29, 2021

52 Tags : Week 17

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Anne challenged us to look at all our tags so far and use a colour we haven't used yet. 
If you are at all familiar with my work, you will know that I love Paua colours (turquoise, green, blue, purple, pink) and they are reflected in my collection so far. I like the appearance of yellow here too. I haven't used orange and not much red - I went back and looked at Tag 6 and it's actually more of a gold/butterscotch/mustard background rather than orange. I could also stand to use more purple - one of my favourites. Both colours are noted for being used soon in future challenges.
Week 17 : Couching. Not my favourite tag but I am loving all the texture. I've couched down ribbons, silk thread, and fabric. 


  1. Tags look so nice all together like that. You made good use of orange!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I love that photo of them together too. Orange not my fav colour but interesting that I've been using it quite a lot lately in other art. Have a great weekend

  2. A beautiful addition to your growing collection! So happy and bright!


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