Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wanderlust : Planned serendipity

Wanderlust Week 10 was with Carolyn Dube. Carolyn is very free and playful with her art. Kasia called her the queen of serendipity (our theme for March). Find her blog HERE and  her FREE Permission to play workshop HERE - a cardboard art journal. 
Our brief was learning how to plan serendipity by creating the groundwork for it. This class was all about finding the connections between your chosen supplies. We were challenged to pick 5 supplies and see where they took us. "If you create the fertile ground, those random serendipitous moments will appear". I didn't get a chance to play with that lesson last week and watched our new Week 11 offerings with Kiala Givehand and also a bonus from Kasia Avery answering some questions from class participants. All 3 lessons have come together to create this spread. 
Kiala was getting us to think about our memories and experiences as fodder for our art journal - seeing the magic in the mundane. Kasia gave us some ideas about gathering inspiration and how to choose a limited colour palette that relates to your subject to help translate real-life inspiration into art (she has just uploaded this to YouTube!). I began by writing down my story for these pages as suggested by Kiala and then chose my colours : gold, red, orange, violet to signify sexuality, blood, wisdom, spirituality; Celebrating and honouring one of my stories as a woman.
Then I gathered my other supplies as suggested by Carolyn. 
First layers using my colours to cover my writing
The rest of the elements came together without too much effort.  
I'm very pleased with the layers of meaning embedded in this spread and really happy that serendipity led me to combine these lessons. 


  1. You pulled the lessons all together beautifully. Those paint colors are so clear and vibrant.

    1. I adore those paints - they really make me happy however I use them.

  2. Love the sentiment - very meaningful - and clever of you to incorporate 3 lessons in 1 project! A good way to catch up without losing out!

    1. Thanks. I think it added to the spread combining all the ideas together.


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