Friday, March 19, 2021

52 Tags : Week 11

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 11 : Rings. 
Anne suggested using a plain background  and perhaps a little lace to show off your stitched rings. I went completely against her advice and used some silk from my stash which was already embroidered with circles. I decided that more was more! I had a couple of key rings and was lucky to be able to raid my husband's supply of washers - metal and rubber. They actually looked really fun just laid on the blank tag
The stitching took a little longer this week but well worth the result I think. It's quite heavy but I love the dimension especially as seen in that top photo


  1. Wow, this looks great - good call on the background - those embroidered circles add another dimension!

  2. Thank you both. I am thrilled with this one ♥ Have a great weekend


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