Thursday, March 11, 2021

Gelli journal to collage fodder

In January 2019 I took a wonderful class with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer called Gelli journals. I had purchased it on an early-bird special price and was so glad I did. I learned a lot and created a whole journal with gelli printed papers inside and you can see those prints HERE
I created this journal to take away for our dream Hawaiian holiday, and I did create a few pages there. But then it sat until October 2020 before I created another page which I don't think I ever shared with you since I thought it would be the first of many...but I've not touched it since.
I do love the look of this, but I feel no desire to finish the journal so I am repurposing these inky papers for collage fodder
No guilt about not finishing this 'project' as a gelli journal - it served its purpose for my learning and I feel very excited by this stack of gelli goodness now in my paper stash. I have torn my Hawaiian pages out and they are now stored with my written journal pages as part of my memories. And the fun has already begun....I used a piece for my most recent tag - perfect colours ready-made ♥ You can see the paper 2nd from the top in the stack of materials and at the top of the tag
And I've created these lovely bits so far having fun with some simple stamping and stencil outlining
- loving that once you cut out you can get serendipitous loveliness on the 'back' and that if you cut in one continuous line you have some other opportunities left on the page
Definitely going to be more of this kind of play in my future. Very satisfying to repurpose an unfinished project into exciting new possibilities. Get great collage fodder inspiration HERE and HERE and HERE and I've created a new label for my posts on the blog for this topic HERE.


  1. What a wonderful array of gelli prints! I know you'll use them creatively. I'm not sure which I like better, the cut-out or the negative image left. Both are useful.

    1. Tearing all the pages out of the journal has made them much more usable and exciting :-)

  2. Oh my goodness - these look wonderful! It's usually the other way around - collage fodder to journal LOL - but you gotta do what you gotta do and if these papers bring more joy out of the journal, go for it!

    1. I know - kinda crazy but once I gave myself permission to tear up that book I've been feeling really inspired to use the papers. Have a great weekend xo


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