Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Wanderlust : Shine

Lots of posts this week as I begin all my classes for 2021. I've joined Wanderlust this year for the first time. It's a collaborative-style year-long course with a new lesson every week. In the hope that I might be able to keep up if I limit my page size, I've purchased a small Dylusions journal just for these lessons. 
Can't wait to see how it blooms through the year.
Kasia Avery is the main host and provides at least one lesson every month. This was the first - it was all about loosening up, being messy, and just enjoying the process. The hardest part was finding a collage image I wanted to use until I realised I could print one of myself! 
Our theme for January is Reflection. I'm celebrating the end of a hard year and now cancer free. Although there were dark spots, there were always elements of brightness in my multi-layered 2020. Looking forward with enthusiasm to what's to come. Shine is my word again for 2021. 


  1. Nice start to the new class. I really like how you use stencils. And yes, your 2020 had some extra in it! Shine on in 2021

    1. Thinking of my overseas friends right now. I feel so lucky. Go well xo

  2. A wonderful first page in your new journal Lynette! Wishing you all the best in 2021!


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