Monday, January 4, 2021

Journal Jam : Celebrate simple pleasures

I was up early Tuesday December 22nd (6am in holiday time!) so that I could Journal Jam with Effy in Canada. See a replay HERE
 Journal Jam is art prompts drawn randomly to lead to page creation in your journal without having to think too much. Watching Effy is fun but I always try to put my own spin on things. Didn't manage to finish this time...
Effy's was lovely at this stage of the prompts, and she moved onto tending which is adding finishing touches. This is Effy's completed spread from that session : 
Mine, on the other hand looks like a child's painting. I do know it's just at the stage where it's nowhere near finished, but I was a bit stuck. Then Effy had a New Year's Eve Day paint party which you can watch HERE. If you want to skip the general chat, at 34 minutes she shares how she's journaling this year. The actual painting starts at 40 minutes. This is how her page turned out : 
Because of this, I decided to go back to my unfinished spread and see if I could turn it into something I love. I didn't actually follow Effy's process very much, but just painting alongside her freed me up. I used my lovely stencils with iridescent colours for more interest 
and then glazed the flowers with Lumiere Halo Violet Gold (glazing medium added to thin down the paint) before doodling with a white uniball signo pen (make sure the paint is completely dry). Found a plastic word label in my stash that fitted perfectly with my colours and the act of creating this page. Happy to call it done. You can see the page just glows which fits my word of the year, SHINE, rather well 💜


  1. Your page turned out beautifully. The stencils add a lot.

    1. Stencils are my go-to for getting me over a block :-)


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