Thursday, July 16, 2020

My 10th Bloggiversary!

It's my 10th year of blogging this week! I am still enjoying it and I can't imagine stopping any time soon. It keeps me motivated to create; I love to share my process to inspire more creativity - yours as well as mine; I enjoy engaging with you in the comments; and I really value this record of my creative journey which is so much a part of who I am. My blog is called "ALL OF ME"  because of this overlap of my creative process with what's happening in the rest of my life. 2020 has been a challenge for everyone with Covid-19, and if you've visited before you may know that I've also had my own challenges with breast cancer this year. I have finished my chemo and had some surgery on Monday (my actual bloggiversary date). I am recovering really well and get the results next Friday so keep everything crossed for me that this has been successful. Art has supported me by 
engaging my brain in a way that takes me out of my day and provides stress relief, escape, new discoveries, positive affirmations and joy. I've decided to share 10 of my favourite projects through the years - very hard to choose though! Click on any photo to see it larger.
Before I started art journaling and mixed media art I was a quilter. My most recent quilt was made for a wedding of special friends in February this year : 
I don't quilt that often now - I make maybe a couple of quilts a year for occasions and am hoping to create another for a recent new arrival to our extended family. 
This is My favourite quilt of recent times (December 2018) : I adored this process and would love to do more faces. Wouldn't it be cool to interpret some of my art journal faces with fabric? day
See all the quilts I've shared on the blog HERE.
I LOVE art journaling. I am only a few pages away from completing my altered art journal which I began in January last year 
See pages from this journal in 2019 HERE and 2020 HERE
My most favourite projects are when I combine paper, fabric and stitch together : 
This Indian Wall Hanging (completed in 2013) is still one of my favourite projects : 
And I still really love this Fabric Banner (from 2014) made from my Grandmother's serviettes : 
More recently I've been enjoying the challenge of a year-long mixed media project. In 2019 it was Klimt in the Garden with Rumi
I'm currently creating a weekly Journal 52 prompt on jumbo sized playing cards : 
I need to create a new container that will hold the entire year.
Also this year I've been creating a book a month. This has given me some of my most favourite projects to re-share here. Please follow the links to see the pages inside these books.
February 2020 : Self-Love Tag Book
I really enjoyed those memories of my art. I hope you have enjoyed the revisit or made some new discoveries and will come back and visit with me again soon. Looking forward to sharing what happens next on my creative journey.


  1. Wow what an amazing array of unique and inspirational projects! I can imagine how difficult it was to choose just 10 of your catalogue of wonderful makes! I'm just oohing and aahing over them! Keeping everything crossed for you, Lynette! You've had a lot to deal with this year, let's hope it's all behind you now. Sending you lots of love <3 <3 <3


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