Friday, July 17, 2020

Journal 52 : Week 28

Journal 52 is a weekly prompt from Effy Wild 
(Free HEREthat I'm creating on a deck of jumbo playing cards 3.5'' x 4.75'' (8.5 x 12 cm)Each card will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying on my work table. 
See the original post HERE.
#28 : Flow. Inspired by a sweet gift of supplies
I particularly love the soft blue/green of the washi and the gold of the acetate shapes and wrapping paper. Opened the acetate shapes have lovely leafy designs included
I've also celebrated my 10th bloggiversary this week - it's an interesting way to keep track of my flow of creativity, and to recognise there needs to be times of quiet as well as times of productivity and joy. 
This week's card celebrates my 10 year flow of creativity that has bloomed in ways I couldn't have predicted, and I can recognise seeds of ideas from previous work providing a common thread and generating new ideas for future explorations. 
Find all my Journal 52 posts HERE.


  1. How wonderful all your cards are, I each telling a story. How fortunate you hadn't used the 10 of hearts as it was perfect.

    1. Very fortunate - I just pick random cards to work with. I am loving seeing what arises from each prompt.

  2. It's lovely! I really like how you have defined each altered card by including stitch, word, etc. It unifies them and gives you a nice and simple guideline to help choose your materials.

    1. The limits are good for creating! Really like that I have so much white showing on this one.


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