Friday, May 1, 2020

Autumn Advent Journal completed

I have an Intention to create a book a month this year : small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched. April's book has been based on Kasia Avery's Advent Calendar offering from 2018. This and 2019 prompts available FREE HERE. I've shared my response to the prompts on separate watercolour pages during April and I am now ready to share the book all finished and glued into my original cover. I started with an old hard back book cover and watercolour paper cut to size
I worked with a limited Autumn colour palette and tried to include stitching, sari ribbon and stencils on each of my spreads.
As I completed each spread, I glued them back to back, and quite soon the pile was too wide to fit inside the original cover so I had to split the spine and remove the back cover
This is the exposed spine view of all the spreads now ready to complete attaching a spine and the cover.
Glued the back of my last page to the back cover
and then wrapped some lovely upholstery fabric over a sari ribbon tie across the spine
Last time I used this method I used super heavy gel medium
but this time I used Aleene's Tacky Glue (just to try something different and I'm running out of gel and not sure when I'll be able to get more)
Decorated my front cover simply
and I thought you might enjoy a flip through.  
To see the process of making these spreads in more detail scroll through my April posts. Check out my other posts about creating a book a month HERE. My May project is going to be less ambitious. Check that out tomorrow.


  1. The flip through is wonderful, Lynette. And you answered my question- it's an altered book cover. Splitting the spine I think is what threw me so I couldn't recall how you approached this. But you did a fantastic job. Can't wait to see what you come up with for May!

    1. So thrilled I got it completed. Counting it done in April since finished on Friday of the last week ♥

  2. Thank you for sharing so much. I appreciate your generosity...

    1. My pleasure Bea. Really happy to hear from you.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous. What a great way to show us the finished book. As you flipped the pages the sheen on the pages glistened. ��


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